Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Turner showcase!

This is the type of post that grandmas and grandpas will love the best. We have been in Barra for just under three weeks, and in baby land three weeks is long time. There can be much growth and development during those 21 days. We are having a blast watching Turner grow and learn during our time here in Barra. And like any new parents, we are well equipped with plenty of cameras that are always fully charged in an attempt to catch every moment.

Below are some videos and pictures showcasing our little guy and the wonders of his 3-month old world.

Turner is learning to use his hands 

He is practicing holding and moving his toys around

He is beginning to reach for, grasp, pick up and hold on to objects.
In the video notice how hard he concentrates, and in the second clip look at how proud he is
when he picks up his toy.

Grabbing his toes!! 

Turner is learning better head control 
and although still wobbly and in need of support, he is learning to sit up on his own.

Turner can see his reflection in the mirror, and he stares at it for a long time. Uh-oh!!

Turner is exploring his voice and the many sounds he can make. He now makes sounds such as, "oy", "oh", "ah", "Ooo" and he is beginning to make a "ma" sound. He has also learned how to grunt - like a man. And finally, he has learned how to stick out his tongue.

Lastly, Turner laughes!!

Thanks for letting us be proud parents!!!

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